About Exam Cell

Welcome to the Examination Cell SKR & SKR Government College for Women (A), Kadapa

SKR & SKR Government College for Women (A), Examination Cell


To improve the quality of examination and evaluation so as to ensure the credibility of the Examination system for the betterment of students.

To keep providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment.

To maintain the database of the students for all kinds of references.

To improve the learning and assessing process of the students.

Activities of the Examination Cell

Autonomous College shall have an Examination Cell headed by Controller of Examinations. Principal of the college shall be the Chief Controller of Examinations. The controller of examination shall be assisted by two Assistant Controllers of Examinations along with other office support. Teaching Faculty working in the college shall be nominated to the Examination Cell for the post of Controller and Assistant Controller for the tenure of 3 years. They will continue doing their teaching work as scheduled by the college.

Examination cell has been aimed to control and regulate the examination activities & evaluation process which is supervised by the CoE. The conduct of examinations in the autonomous system is an essential academic activity to check the abilities and student performance. In this perspective, the Examination Cell plays a vital role in the evaluation process. At each and every stage in the evaluation process, including Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations (SEE) and Instant Examinations for outgoing Students. CoE along with his office staff precisely monitor the performance of students by giving suitable guidelines to various departments in the institution from time to time.The CoE Office is responsible for the announcement of the Examination schedule as per the Academic calendar, Examination Time Table, Preparation of Question Papers, Conduct of End Semester Theory and Practical Examinations, Evaluation of Answer Scripts, Declaration of results and Issuing of Grade Sheets.

Committee Members For The Year 2023-24

Dr. V. Saleem Basha, Principal M.Sc.,B.Ed.,Ph.D. Chief Controller of Examinations.

Sri. N. Raghavendra. M.Sc., Lect. In Statistics. Controller of Examinations.

Dr. P.Subramanyam Ph.D., Lect. In Botany. Assistant Controller of Examinations.

Smt. A. Haritha M.Tech., Lect. In Computer Science. Assistant Controller of Examinations.

© 2023 SKR & SKR Government College for Women (A), Kadapa Andhra Pradesh. All rights are reserved.